Bursary Network  

ImbaliTownship.com encourages students to seek financial assistance through initiatives like Bursary Network.  "Bursary Network is a community of graduates, corporates and philanthropist with a vision of enabling students with financial challenges to access the tertiary education. Bursary Network community is open to anyone with the will of backing tertiary students, therefore you are welcome to join. We believe a focused community effort bodes well in resolving the challenges in South African Universities and Colleges." -  Bursary Network website, About Us.

Get more information about Bursary Network: Visit https://www.bursarynetwork.com


School @ Imbali Township

School name: Sukuma Comprehensive High School

Telephone: 0333986508

Year Formed: 1983

Motto: " Sukuma Leads, Others follow"  

Location: Imbali Unit 1

Grades: 8-12

School name: Hlelingomuso Primary School

Telephone: 0333987020

Year Formed: 1991

Motto:  "In diligence we rise"  

Location: Imbali Unit 15

Grades: R-7

School name: Siqongweni Secondary School

Telephone: 0333221168

Year Formed: 1982

Motto: "Ngokuzama Siyoqonga" 

Location: Imbali Unit 13

Grades: 8-12

School name: Zibukezulu Technical School

Location: Imbali Unit 1

Tertiary College: Indumiso College

Location: Imbali Unit 1

School name: Slangspruit  Primary School

Telephone: 0333984168

Year Formed: 1990

Motto: " Education is life"

Location: Slangspruit

Grades: R-7

School name: ZamaZulu Secondary School

Telephone: 0333984250

Year Formed: 1976

Motto: "Strive for Excellence"

Location: Imbali Unit 2

Grades: 8-12

School name: Fundokuhle High School

Telephone: 0333981958

Year Formed: 1990

Motto:  "Funda okuhle uhlakaniphe"

Location: Imbali Unit 1

Grades: 8-12

School name: MehlokaZulu High School

Telephone: 0333981983

Year Formed: 1973

Motto: " We prosper"

Location: Imbali Unit 1&2

Grades: 8-12

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